
Half life 3 icon
Half life 3 icon

In a followup interview, The Verge asked designer David Speyrer if this was a full return to Half-Life and if we could expect more games in the series now that Valve has finally brought it out of stasis. Check the link above for all the other details on the prequel. It is reportedly the biggest team of developers that Valve has ever had working on a single game. Although it doesn't actually have a "3" in the title, it's very much a third Half-Life game, clocking in at a similar playtime to Half-Life 2. It isn't exactly Half-Life 3, but Valve announced a prequel to the series called Half-Life: Alyx that released in March 2020. How much validity there is to Laidlaw's tale is impossible to judge, but it does have one thing going for it: You can play (kinda, sorta) play it. Mossman, after which the G-Man takes her away in place of Gordon Gordon escapes his seeming inevitable doom with the help of the Vortigaunts, and by all appearances his role in the series is over, as Laidlaw had intended. What's especially interesting about the story is that it's basically "gender-swapped fan fiction," as we called it: Male characters are female and vice-versa, names are changed up slightly, but remain close enough to the originals to be recognizable by fans.Īssuming Laidlaw didn't make the whole thing up to mess with people (as Valve employees like to do, remember), Half-Life 3 would end with Alyx Vance murdering Dr. Mossman tracks down the Borealis, Gordon and Alyx travel to Antarctica to handle the situation, and of course the plan falls completely apart before it even begins. Laidlaw, who shares what is apparently a twisted-up synopsis of Half-Life 3 on his blog.

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